Key Takeaways From The Urgent Care ShareGroup

November 2022

Steve Porada

Facilitator: Steve Porada
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Verséa Health

Learn from the healthcare distributor and manufacturer leaders who gathered to discuss optimal messaging, strategic forecasting and more for urgent care centers.

  • Urgent care is a subset of the physician market.
  • Urgent care centers operate more like a for-profit business – distributor and manufacturer messaging needs to focus on financial and operational benefit, not just patient care benefits.
    • Messaging also needs to be adjusted based on who owns the urgent care center (health system, physician, or private equity).
  • Telehealth saved physician and urgent care practices during the pandemic but could be a revenue driver post-pandemic.
  • Many urgent cares are paid through capitated contracts so they prioritize cost-effective solutions.
  • Urgent care is the canary in the coal mine: Tracking urgent care visit data can be an indicator of what to expect for the winter respiratory season.
  • Retail clinics are another emerging care setting; they aren't as sophisticated as urgent cares, but they are growing in number.
  • Recent urgent care clinic profitability has made them targets for acquisition.