Research & Analytics

Original Healthcare Market Research For Distributors & Manufacturers

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Market Insights
Market Report
Ambulatory Surgery Center Market Report
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Market Insights
Market Report
Home Care Market Report
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Market Insights
Market Report
Hospitals & Health Systems Market Report
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Market Insights
Market Report
Laboratory Market Report
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Market Insights
Market Report
Physician Office Market Report
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Market Insights
Market Report
Post-Acute Market Report
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Research Offerings


Market Reports

Get in-depth market analyses about the healthcare markets you work with. HIDA Market Reports cover the latest healthcare trends, market projections, and strategic insights.

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Get insights highlighting key healthcare market trends.

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Additional Resources

Flu Vaccine
Research & Advocacy
Flu Vaccine Supply Chain Resources
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Market Insights
Chartbook 📄
Patient Volumes Chartbook
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Market Insights
Market Update 🔓︎
Hospital-At-Home Snapshot
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Healthcare Supply Chain
Commodities Update
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Market Insights
Market Update 🔓︎
Trend Update: Hospital Supply & Patient Volumes
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Market Update 🔓︎
Emergency Medical Services Snapshot
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Questions? Contact HIDA:

Kathleen Fox

Kathleen Fox, PhD
Director, Market Insights