HIDA Government Affairs Alert

September 18, 2018

Critical Medical Products Successfully Removed from Final Tariff List

September 17th, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) finalized tariffs on approximately $200 billion of Chinese imports. With help from its members, HIDA was able to remove 12 products, including medical gloves, hospital bedsheets, ibuprofen, and wipes. HIDA members submitted 95 letters to the USTR on the proposed list, urging for the exclusion of healthcare products. Additionally, HIDA submitted joint comments with the American Health Care Association (AHCA) and National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) regarding the negative impact on post acute providers.

The final list contains 5,745 of the original 6,031 items that were on the proposed list, released July 10, 2018. The additional tariffs will go into effect on September 24, 2018 and will initially be in the amount of 10%. Starting January 1, 2019, the additional tariffs will increase to 25%.

See HIDA’s List of Successfully Removed Products»

See USTR's Final List of Tariffed Products»

Original July 10 Notice and Proposed List»

USTR’s Official Press Release»

Please contact HIDA Government Affairs with any questions, comments or concerns at HIDAGovAffairs@HIDA.org or at 703-549-4432. HIDA Government Affairs thanks its members for their input and hard work in regards to this issue.