Elizabeth Hilla
Sr. Vice President, HIDA
Executive Director, HIDA Educational Foundation

Choosing The Right Channel For Your Products

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If you’re ever had an executive in your company say “Why are we spending money on distribution when we could just sell our products direct?” then this session will help you respond. We’ll examine key channel functions and the costs and impacts of managing those functions yourself or using distributors and consider what channel best meets customer needs.

Course Format:  Recorded Webinar
Length:  Audio run time is 18:09
Recorded On: 4/2/2024

About the Presenter

Elizabeth Hilla is the executive director of the HIDA Educational Foundation, an affiliate of the Health Industry Distributors Association. The Foundation is devoted to education and research that increases efficiency and effectiveness within the healthcare supply channel. Hilla is also responsible for HIDA’s “Streamlining Healthcare” campaign to support the value of distribution. Hilla’s areas of expertise include healthcare supply chain models, manufacturer-distributor relationships, and distribution sales strategies. She graduated summa cum laude from Florida State University with a degree in communications.